YS Seafood 来自瓜雪丹绒加弄(Tanjong Karang)一座小渔村峇眼巴西(Bagan Pasir)。这里的海鲜鱼产出自本地常年出海捕鱼的老渔夫之手,他们载着满满鱼获上岸,再交由岸上等候的同伴们细心把海产处理干净及切片,然后真空包装锁住鲜味,把最新鲜的海产配送给线上订购的客人!最重要的是,除了住在雪隆一带的城中人,我们也宅配到南部的森美兰、马六甲、柔佛及北部的彭亨、霹雳、槟城、吉打,将优质鲜货送到追求极致美味的饕客手中!

YS SEAFOOD is based in Bagan Pasir, a small fishing village in Tanjung Karang, Kuala Selangor. All our seafood is procured by seasoned fishermen with years of experience, they would return to the shore with boats full of fishes at the end of a long day. Our dedicated staff members would then carefully clean and slice up the seafood before vacuum packing them to preserve freshness so that our customers get to enjoy the best and freshest seafood! Most importantly, aside from Kuala Lumpur and cities in Selangor, our home delivery service also covers Negeri Sembilan, Malacca, Johor, Pahang, Perak, Penang and Kedah. It is our aim to deliver fresh seafood of the highest quality to all the food enthusiasts out there!

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